'ProduceRan(開始範圍, 結束範圍, 取多少個),註結束範圍-開始範圍需大於所取數目 call ProduceRan(1,101,100) '產生n~m不重複亂數列 Sub ProduceRan(staNum,endNum,Validx) if (endNum - staNum) < Validx then response.write "欲取數目大於設定範圍,無法計算!!" exit sub end if x = Validx Dim theRanArray() ReDim theRanArray(x) '設定陣列初始值 for ValIdx = 0 to UBound(theRanArray) theRanArray(ValIdx) = 0 next '與已知亂數比對,若重複則再取一次 for theRanIdx = 0 to UBound(theRanArray) theRan = ranValue(staNum,endNum) doubled = 0 for checkIdx = 0 to UBound(theRanArray) if theRan = theRanArray(checkIdx) then doubled = 1 end if next if doubled = 0 then theRanArray(theRanIdx) = theRan else theRanIdx = theRanIdx - 1 end if next '印出最後產生完成的亂數陣列 for prtIdx = 0 to UBound(theRanArray) response.write theRanArray(prtIdx) & " " next End Sub '取得亂數函數 Function ranValue(beginNum,endNum) ' Initialize the random-number generator. Randomize() ' Generate random value between 1 and 6. ranValue = CInt(Int((endNum * Rnd()) + beginNum)) End Function
2008年6月17日 星期二
張貼留言 (Atom)